Donor Information
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Two donors
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Organization representative's title
Gift Details
Is this an Outright Gift or a Pledge?
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Pledge one payment
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Payment Schedule:
on or before
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Is this gift to establish a new fund, or add to an existing fund?
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GA/SOI Details
Is this a Gift Agreement or a Statement of Intent?
Gift Agreement
Statement of Intent
Is the donor making a gift through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)?
What is the DAF Entity?
Ex: Fidelity Charitable
What is the DAF Fund Name?
Ex: Powell Family Fund
Campus Information
Select the College/Unit/Area
College of Agricultural Sciences
Select the Campus Signer
Staci Simonich, Reub Long Professor & Dean, College of Agricultural Sciences
Tim Carroll, Sara Hart Kimball Dean, College of Business
Tuba Özkan-Haller, Dean, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Susan Gardner, Dean, College of Education
Scott A. Ashford, Kearney Dean of Engineering
Tom DeLuca, Cheryl Ramberg-Ford & Allyn C. Ford Dean, College of Forestry
Philip Williams, Dean, College of Liberal Arts
Rick Settersten, Interim Dean, College of Health
Eleanor Feingold, Dean, College of Science
Toni Doolen, Dean, Honors College
Sherm Bloomer, Chancellor & Dean, OSU-Cascades
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