Donor Information
Select donor type
One donor, two donors, organization
One donor
Two donors
Donor Name
Advance ID for:
Donor Name
Advance ID for:
Organization legal name
Organization short name
Advance ID for:
Organization representative's name
Organization representative's title
Gift Details
Is this an Outright Gift or a Pledge?
Outright Gift
Pledge with schedule
Pledge one payment
Gift Amount:
Donor to make gift by:
Payment Schedule:
on or before
on or before
on or before
on or before
on or before
Is this gift to establish a new fund, or add to an existing fund?
Establish new fund
Add to an existing fund
Enter the name of the new fund
Select the fund where this gift will be added to:
OSU Athletics Fund for Excellence
OSU Football Fund for Excellence - Head Coach's Circle
OSU Baseball Hitting Facility
Completing Reser Stadium
Football Leadership
What is the Minimum Gift Amount?
For reference on minimum gift amounts, see:
Faculty Support Endowment Levels
Scholarship Endowment Levels
GA/SOI Details
Is this a Gift Agreement or a Statement of Intent?
Gift Agreement
Statement of Intent
Is the donor making a gift through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)?
What is the DAF Entity?
Ex: Pam?
What is the DAF Fund Name?
Campus Information
Select the College/Unit/Area
Select the Campus Signer
S. Scott Barnes, Vice President & Director of Athletics
Priority Points
Priority Points Accepted
Priority Points Declined
Information to help generate the PDF
What is the donor's connection to OSU?
If one male - "an OSU alumnus"
If one female – "an OSU alumna"
If a couple with one male alumnus – "an OSU alumnus and friend"
If a couple with one female alumna – "an OSU alumna and friend"
If a couple with two alumni – "OSU alumni"
If an org – "an OSU supporter"
Select the appropriate 'Interest' description
interest in OSU Athletics
interest in supporting the football program
wish to support one of the University’s highest priorities
Select the appropriate 'Designation' description
in support of OSU Athletics at the discretion of the Athletic Director
to support the Athletic Department during the uncertainty stemming from conference realignment
for the OSU Baseball Hitting Facility
to support the football program
used according to the program guidelines on file
to support the completion of Reser Stadium construction and renovation
Page break
Enabling a page break will attempt to put all of the signature lines on a single page.
Experiment with this to determine what works best for each document.
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